One of the things we all need for our home study is a completed medical form. Jim and I had to get TB tests as well but the kids just needed their forms filled out...except for Allen. He was the only one who didn't have a physical within the past year so here he is getting checked out by our wonderful nurse. He passed with flying colors and didn't need a single shot! :)

Since I'm determined to document every step of this amazing journey, I just had to take a picture of our pediatrician with all of the kids. He's a huge Carolina Hurricanes' Fan (as we are) so we always enjoy spending time in his "Hurricanes Theme" exam room.

Speaking of medical forms, here's a classic. There's a pretty critical question on the parents' form that asks, "Does the patient have the emotional and physical stability to parent and care for a child?" As I scanned Jim's form before copying in triplicate, I happened to notice that for that particular question, his doctor checked the box that said NO. Kind of a deal stopper don't ya think??? (Sigh--another form to be re-done)
I realized over the past week that I can get a whole lot accomplished towards our adoption if I just follow 3 simple rules:
1) Let the kids homeschool themselves.
2) Pick up Mcdonald's for lunch and eat frozen pizza for dinner.
3)Make sure everyone wears the same clothes a few days in a row to cut back on laundry.
I've really wanted to get a lot checked off my list this past week because we meet with our social worker on Monday for our first home study appointment, and then on Tuesday, Jim and I fly out to Colorado for some business and skiing!!! The exciting part about this trip (other than spending some much needed alone time with my husband) is the opportunity to meet a blog friend who is also adopting from Eastern Europe. I had been reading her blog for quite awhile, in fact, it was on her blog that I discovered Reece's Rainbow. God really used her adoption story of not one but now 2 little girls with Ds to speak to my heart and prepare me for this adventure we're now on. How fun! The only sad part is I don't get to take my sweet friend Lisa along, who was the one who "introduced" me to Adeye. (You can check out both of their blogs on my side bar--Lisa is "Awaiting Kate" and Adeye is "No Greater Joy Mom" to read more about both of these gals!)
OK, time to go put in the frozen pizza for dinner--oh wait, maybe I can get Jim to drive through McDonald's instead.