I don't remember if I blogged about this before, but when our dossier was first sent to Nadia's country, it sat there for 3 weeks waiting for the State Department of Adoptions to "re-open" so it could be submitted. That was very disappointing, especially since we put our paperwork together at break-neck speed. However, we quickly re-grouped and looked on the "bright side" of having a few extra weeks to get ready for such a momentous trip and subsequent life-changing event in our lives.
Fast forward to this morning as I awoke in a state of excited anticipation knowing that we'd be hearing this week as to when our SDA appointment would take place--which would then determine our travel schedule, etc. I even noticed that another family who was submitted the same date we were had received their appointment date--Yippee!! Congratulations to them and to the little girl they're bringing home!!
Imagine my surprise and crushing disappointment when I found out that the SDA is requiring another document to add to our dossier in order to give us our appointment date. After bursting into tears and seriously considering crawling under my bed for the rest of the day (with Starbucks of course), I remembered what else I woke up with this morning...
A song that I woke up humming and continued to hum, up until I received this news. A song that reminded me, once again (Yes, I'm a slooooooooow learner), that this adoption is so "out of my hands". And even though "I don't understand" why these delays keep happenning when there's a child who so desperately needs to be in our home instead of languishing in a crib all day without love and a family; I'm once again needing to rest in the arms of the One who does know and be willing to trust "where He's taking me" in this adoption journey.
Are there still tears and disappointment today? Oh yes, they're flowing freely and our homeschool day was "blurred" at best. But God can handle that and He's the first one to offer His comfort...and His all amazing Peace. And to show you (and me) how generous and specific God is to His children, especially when they're hurting, He had a friend show up at my door (who had no idea this was going on) with none other than that dreamed-of Starbucks! :)
So, I'll leave you with the words of this song by Matthew West that I woke up humming this morning. Perhaps I'm not the only one who needs to be humming this today. (I would have loved to put a link where you could click and listen to the song but I'm Miss Non-Techno Gal!)
There you go changing my plans again
There you go shifting my sands again
For reasons I don't understand again
Lately I don't have a clue
Just when I start liking what I see
There you go changing my scenery
I never know where you're taking me
but I'm trying just to follow you
It's out of my hands
It's out of my reach
It's over my head
And it's out of my league
There's too many things
That I don't understand
So it's into your will
And it's out of my hands
There you go healing these scars again
Showing me right where you are again
I'm helpless, and that's where I start again
I'm giving it ALL UP TO YOU!
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
20 hours ago