On Easter Sunday I was out on my back porch before everyone woke up, and as I was reading my bible, I looked up and noticed the tree line that borders our property. There were just the beginning signs of budding leaves on the trees, but what stood out to me was a lone Evergreen nestled in the midst of the soon- to- be blooming trees. I thought about how beautiful things will look once the trees are fully green and the other colors of spring and summer are upon us.
Then, God spoke to me ever so clearly about that lone Evergreen. He reminded me that if He were a tree He'd be an Evergreen.
Nehemiah 9:5 says, "Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting." Whether it's the dead of winter or amidst the blooming colors of spring, God is the same, unchanging, all-knowing, all-powerful God...very much unlike me. So, the thought came to me that I want to be an Evergreen. I want to be steadfast in my faith whether I'm in the midst of a "dead of winter" trial where I can see no life or color around me; or when I'm in the middle of a joyful "full bloom of spring-time" type of moment.
This adoption process has been frought with many highs and lows but through it all my God has not changed one bit.
1) He is still able to do miracles.
"For you are great, and do great miracles. You alone are God. Psalms 86:10
2)He is still mighty and faithful.
"O Jehovah, Commander of the heavenly armies, where is there any other Mighty One like you? Faithfulness is your very character." Psalms 89:8
3) He is still my refuge and worthy of my trust.
"This I declare, that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting Him." Psalms 91:2
I have at times been able to keep my eyes on Him and leave the entire process in His hands. (Shades of being an Evergreen). Those were times of peace and joy. Ahhhhhh...
There were other times, like last week when we found out that we wouldn't be receiving our SDA appointment because of another form needed, that I allowed myself to be tossed about in the wind like flowers from a Dogwood Tree blown away in a stiff, spring breeze. (Definitely not an Evergreen!) As I wallowed about in my pit of self-pity, God stood there patiently with the rope to pull me out but as I sometimes do....I continued to show my "colors" by staying focused on how things affected ME and MY plans instead of trusting God with the final outcome--NO MATTER HOW IT LOOKED AT THE MOMENT! Those are times of fatigue, sorrow, and little peace. Yuuuuuck!
Thankfully, another characteristic of my God that is unchanging and everlasting is His patience.
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his UNLIMITED PATIENCE as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life." 1 Timothy 1:15,16
Yes, I truly enjoy the grandeur and colors of God's creation and when I see a burst of color like this one, it makes me feel alive and appreciative that our Creator has given us so much beauty to enjoy.
But when I step back and take a look at the bigger picture...I'm even more thankful that God will be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow...