Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

OK so I'm 2 weeks late in posting Thanksgiving pictures. My Christmas cards went out today, though, so that should count for something right?
Anyway, this year's theme which has truly been my theme for the past year, was written on pumpkins in the middle of the floral display to remind me of what I want my mindset to be at ALL times...not just on Thanksgiving:
REMEMBER who He is.
THANK Him for what He has done in the past.
TRUST Him for what He will do in the future.

My  heart overflows with gratitude for the family that lives within our four walls and the ones we get to do life with and share special moments with as shown in the following pictures!






Let's all carry a mindset of gratitude into the Christmas season as we:
Remember who He is--the One who sent His Son to be born and live among men.
Thank Him for what He has done in the past--in allowing His Son to die on a cross for our sins.
Trust Him for what He will do in the future--take those who have received Him as Saviour and King into Heaven for all of eternity!!!
How can we NOT be thankful when we focus on that!!!


  1. Thank YOU for hosting such a wonderful feast! (: xo

  2. Hey there to my favorite North Carolinian :)

    It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving...I love seeing all the pictures!
    Everyone is sure growing up. And a very Happy Birthday to sweet Nadia! <3 <3

    I gotta get back in to the blogging world. Last time I tried to update my blog I couldn't even figure it out! New format! Don't like it! :)

    Once things settle down though, I'll put my thinking cap on and get it all figured out.

    Looks like you have some nice weather down there :) We had a blizzard on Thanksgiving. Not fun.

    Alex is sick today so I hope it's not the start of the whole family going down for the count.

    Well, hope all is well with the Fergusons and we'll talk later :)

