Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm STUCK!!!

"Uh-oh.  I think I really did it this time. Mommy told me to play nicely on the bed while she got dressed but now I'm stuck."

"Hmmm...this isn't too bad.  I can keep myself entertained until someone comes to rescue me."

 "I can sing songs, recite poetry, practice my cheerleading moves...the list goes on and on."

"Ok but now I don't really have feeling in my toes so it's not so much fun anymore."


"Oh, Josi, my wonderful big sister.  It's sooooo good to see you!  Um, perhaps we need a little grease or something to slide me out?  Keep trying please!"

"I think now is a really good time to call Mommy and Daddy don't you think?"
Disclaimer: No children were harmed as the photographer and her husband laughed their way through this photo shoot!


  1. Uh oh! Kids certainly have a knack for getting themselves into these sticky situations :-)

  2. What is it like to have a bed big enough for children to fall though?
    Is she still there?

  3. awwwww she is too cute! i think next time you should leave her there and see how long it takes her to get out (: and since it would probably take a while maybe you could run the errands and cook dinner before helping her out! hahahaha just kiddddding thats something i would do (;

  4. too funny, I just love her facial expressions!

  5. Hahahaha....that is hilarious! :) Brings back memories of Jake getting stuck on his crib.

  6. Hahaha. Aww! Baby stuck in the bed might be the cutest thing I;ve seen all week. Love your blog, btw.
